The UK is a farm heavy country with 69% of the countries land area used for agriculture. Whilst farming as a practise goes back centuries, the agriculture industry is not one to shy away from new technologies. Farmers often look at how technology and new innovations can improve their practises and enhance their work, from the introduction of the steel plough, to more recent technologies such as IoT devices and AI. 


With researchers projecting an expected population growth to nearly 10 billion by 2050, this puts increasing pressure on farmers around the world to increase their capabilities. This is often hard for farmers who face many challenges that are out of their control; from unpredictable weather to fluctuating markets. Farmers have become increasingly reliant on data in order to make informed, precise and timely decisions.


A 2020 study by Purdue University of 800 farmers have revealed only 7% do not collect any data related to their yield, soil sampling, or satellite imagery. Data collected through IoT devices is vital for farmers, so they can know what is going on with each seed, each plant and each machine. 


IoT devices can measure soil temperature, heat, water usage and help to spot and unusual consumption. The availability of smart sensor data enables farmers to make more informed decisions and comprehend in-the-moment conditions that can impact their operations. Sensors also continuously collect more data with time so that farmers can identify recurring patterns, predict future trends, and prioritise necessary changes. With AMR technology, farmers are able to collect real time data and utilise it to improve their farming practises.